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Virtual Tour/Tour Virtuel - National War Memorial of Canada/Monument Commémoratif de Guerre du Canada

Posted by HPOC Staff on

On Nov. 10, 2018 HPoC filmed the National War Memorial to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I.  Last year, the Royal Canadian Artillery Band contacted HPoC to see if we would be interested in using some of the footage for a video they were preparing for the 2020 Remembrance Day, which was commemorated largely online due to the pandemic.  HPoC readily agreed, and the RCAB produced a moving video featuring a rendition of the "Last Post" song followed by a two-minute silence during which our footage is featured, and then concluding with the "Rouse" song.  Below you'll find both videos to watch. 

2020 Royal Canadian Artillery Band Video - Last Post & Rouse


2018 HPOC National War Memorial Virtual Tour Video

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