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Here you'll find a list of vendors that HPOC has signed up with to receive a portion of sales made through clicking the links on our site. Affiliate links are one of the ways that generates revenue, so thank you for considering these offers.

Please note that although we have done our best to offer quality links, HPOC does not accept responsibility for the use of these programs or products. Let us know your comments by email or chat, as your feedback is important to us. Or feel free to start a forum chat that we and other HPOC visitors can see and comment on.

Please note prices below may be in USD. 


HomeDesigns AI is a revolutionary platform that harnesses the power of Artificial Intelligence to redefine virtual designs of interiors and exteriors (including gardens). It works with any internet browser and has a monthly subscription that can be cancelled at anytime. A "Vintage" setting is included. Let us know how your project went in our forum!  


The Self-Sufficient Backyard for the Independent Homesteader is a book from Nova Scotia Couple Ron & Johanna Melchiore, who also lived in a floatplane-access-only location for many years in northern Saskatchewan. The authors' promotional video is a must-see -- talk about needing to be self-sufficient! Comes with three bonus e-books, and we really like the sound of DIY Projects from the 1900s (early 1900s that is). Let us know how your project went in our forum!  

Ted's Woodworking program has been a consistent best seller for other websites for many years and tops our affiliate network's rankings in the home and garden category. Comes with a money back guarantee. Ted Mcgrath spent the last 25+ years putting together the world's most comprehensive collection of woodworking plans. And yes, we encourage to call your new creation a Muskoka, Laurentian or what-have-you (Canuck chair?) instead of an Adirondack Chair. Let us know how your project went in our forum!  

Sewing Pattern Secrets offers what they describe as the greatest online database of sewing patterns, with over 125 different sewing projects to choose from and a new pattern provided monthly. This program claims to provide easy to follow step-by-step patterns, even for complete beginners. Let us know how your project went in our forum!